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Jobs Available

Welcome to the Greater Dayton RTA Careers site. Create a Profile before applying for a position.


Job Title Location Address Posting Date
CDL Driver 600 Longworth Campus Dayton, OH 03/14/2024
Customer Service Representative Wright Stop Plaza Dayton, OH 08/14/2024
Non CDL Driver 600 Longworth Campus Dayton, OH 08/09/2024
Project Engineer 4 S Main St Dayton, OH 07/17/2024
Purchasing Agent Wright Stop Plaza Dayton, OH 08/26/2024
Transit Ambassador 600 Longworth Campus Dayton, OH 04/18/2024

FIRST TIME Applicants

It's simple! Once you create your profile and apply for a job, a recruiter will review your information and contact you.

RETURNING Applicants

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phone graphic goes here 937-425-8552   careers graphic goes here [email protected]